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Entry 4: Updated Version of the Chosen Idea (9 June 2018)

Chosen Idea: Arcade Puzzle Co-op Game with Character-based Controls [MO-3 and KEV-7 Great Escape]


An arcade game with controllers that reflect the characters in game. MO-3 is a Federal Of Steel's labor robot, thus making MO-3 a rugged, rusted, rigid-looking robot with industrialized design. MO-3's controller will be joystick that operates like a tank. Meanwhile, KEV-7 is an Institute of Justice's caretaker robot who takes care of the people in their facility. KEV-7 have a telekinesis power that helps the people in the facility to grab and interact stuff. KEV-7 design is minimalistic, futuristic, clean and smooth. Thus, KEV-7's controller would operate like what you'll imagine in the future, in-air gestures or interaction without actual physical contacts.


Some time on Earth, a war is ongoing between Chaos and Harmony. MO-3 is a labor robot that carry stuff on its back in the no man's land for the Federal of Steel while on the other hand, KEV-7 is a caretaker robot from the Institute of Justice which it possess an telekinesis ability. One day, a group of intellectual outcasts who called themselves, The Kleanse Klan, kidnapped MO-3 and KEV-7 and placed both of the robot into their testing facility which fills with puzzles. MO-3's robotic tiny arms and KEV-7's levitating systems are removed by the Kleanse Klan leaving them limited in movement and interactions. The Kleanse Klan encourage both of these robots to work together even though they're nemesis. For the sake of escaping the Kleanse Klan's facility, they must work together to solve dead-simple puzzles and escape the facility. The puzzles seems really simple but there's a catch, these two robots, one can move and turn while another only uses it's limited telekinesis power, must work together in sync in order to complete the puzzles. The facility looks quite run-down due to the war, thus opportunity to escape would be possible. After escaping the facility, both of this robots will show their teamwork and friendship, even though they're nemesis, to the people that "Make Peace, Not War".

Objective and Goal:
The objective of the game is to escape a secret facility by interacting objects which requires in-air hand interaction with Leap Motion and front/back/turn movements by using a custom joystick.
This game I’m developing is to target players, friends and family, to engage a high cooperative gameplay to enhance social closeness. Not only that, the intention is also to encourage the players to physically communicate and share their experience of the game instead of online communication.

The goal of this arcade game is to bring up local co-op game into the gaming market, but with a little feature that differs from other local co-op games. That feature provides a new experience of co-op gaming by emphasizing different controls to interact with the game environment which requires the players to team work instead of working together.


Visual treatment:

-low-poly 3D elements
-visual hints are exaggerated that it becomes part of the whole gameplay
-Kleanse Klan's testing facility will be clean for the first few stages then it'll get grungy after that.

Visual feel:

-the Kleanse Klan's testing facility will be something clean and hospital-like environment initially then something rusty and industrial-like after that. It emphasize that the facility was build long time ago and untouched but the initial testing lab will be properly maintained unlike other labs.
-the visual hints will be standing out while merging with the environment. VISUAL CUES IS KING FOR THIS GAME.
-visual hints are in vivid color. Something like road lines but brighter, florescence colors. It might look comedic but that's what this game is up for.
-When going into the industrialized-looking map, the visual ques are still be there but a little grungy than before


Players are given two different controls, joysticks and Leap Motion. When the game started, the task will be interact with player 2, whose KEV-7, and that will make MO-3 to carry KEV-7 on its back. The second task will be pressing the button. Player 1, whose MO-3, must move to the button as close as possible so that Player 2, whose KEV-7, to interact with the button. The visual hints will be on the floor, leading to the button. The two players must then work together to complete the task. After the task is done, a door will open. A spotlight and visual cues will hint the players to the door. The puzzles consist of button pressing, pressing codes, opening a door and carrying a battery to a bin. Escaping interaction will consist of wall panel removing, outrunning a collapsing roof and saving KEV-7 from the incinerator which requires MO-3 to move quickly to the objective within  a timeframe while KEV-7 needs to defense itself from flying bolts and nuts. After the objectives are done, the two players will unite again and move into a field with screens poking out which shows the internal labs where the two players are doing the puzzles. There will be people from war watching the screens.


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