This entry will emphasize onto the concept of the level environments and it's mood to show the intended experience for the players to feel when they're in certain situation. I want to focused onto more diverse moods in this short game so that the players experience would be much impact rather than sticking into one visual mood. The moods that I'm emphasizing on are solitariness, danger and mysterious.
This mood board shows the intended visual treatments applying into character and level design.
Stage 1: Beginning, a level where the players are introduced. The room consist of a big wall of mirror to reflect the characters, to introduce the characters without any sort of texts or narrations.
Stage 2: Battery, a level which the player must pick a battery from a battery dispenser and carry it to the port at the end of this stage. The transition between the start to the port will include a narrow pathway. Through the glass panel in the pathway, there's a "battery making" contraption giving off bright red lights to indicate it will explode anytime soon.
Stage 5: Ending, this level will require the players to throw a battery into the vault's battery port to power the bridge and the vault. The room has zero-gravity, to make batteries accessible and more story related -explosion from Stage 2: Battery -. A deep pit in the room will dispense batteries -batteries floats up-.
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