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Entry 15: User Testings Approach (19 August 2018)

This entry will be focusing on the approaches of user testing MO-3 & KEV-7 game.

During the technical development phase, testing and experimentations will be conducted and recorded by classmates, lecturers and myself. The reason my targeted testers is that the testers are able to give valuable feedbacks, especially technical parts and the gameplay experience. Any updates will be in the documentation including feedbacks, prototypes, etc. will be documented in the project blog. The user testing will be prioritized from early alpha to beta tests which involving broadening the target testers for better feedbacks according to the project’s progression.

Early alpha test will be tested amongst classmates and lecturers. The purpose of this testing is to identify obvious flaws that might render the game unplayable or almost playable. The technical development will be at least 70% completed which bugs and placeholders will still present. In this test, feedbacks from classmates and lecturers are crucial. This testing will most likely to rely on self-testing to identify obvious flaws. If the game completely tested by myself, I’ll open the testing to the lecturers and classmates so the flaws that I’ve not considered will most likely to emerge.

Alpha test will also be tested amongst classmates and lecturers but broaden up for other course mates to test. The purpose of this broaden target testers is to identify the game’s experience and visual design flaws. The technical development will be at least 90% completed but minor bugs, the lack of visual and audio feedback will be expected. This testing will require to improve the learning curve of the game, so the targeted audience will able to play the game without too much description nor too less in the early beta test. Other course mates will be expected to give game experience and visual improvement feedbacks.

Early beta test will be open for the targeted audience. The purpose of this test is most likely to identify game experience flaw more than technical flaws. The technical development will be completed but some stages’ final visual will not be present rather some placeholders. In this testing, feedback of game experience is crucial. The reason behind it is whenever a targeted audience unable to play the game or the learning curve is too steep, it will make the game irrelevant to the targeted audience.

Beta test will be open to targeted audiences. The purpose of this test is to identify game experience flaw in a completed version of the game. The game’s visuals and mechanics are completed and working but some user experience, such as additional visual feedbacks, audio cues, will be absent. This test will refine the game experience and any minor feedbacks or suggestion will be implemented to improve the overall experience of the game. In this testing, it is open for suggestion for additional minor contents to add into the game, so the game will attract early fans as a marketing strategy.


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