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Showing posts from July, 2018

Entry 13: Arcade Installation Design (6 July 2018)

This entry will focus onto the design of MO-3 and KEV-7's arcade installation. The aspect of the design, according to me, must have:- -platform for the controllers -storage for PC and projector -speaker box -have two themes for MO-3 and KEV-7 respective themes -exclude the screen Design references :- References based on the aspects stated above. Initial Design:  3/4 View of the MO-3 and KEV-7's arcade installation Each component of the arcade installation will have their own functions The 2 holes below the Controller Platform are intentional to be present to create a futuristic look and minimize resources. The Controller Platform is supported by the main body -the Storage (refer from "component")- Size prox. 1/2 the size of an adult for comfort usage.

Entry 12: Prototyping and Demo Build (5 July 2018)

This entry will be focusing on initial prototyping. The criteria focused for this prototype will be:- - Moving around with keyboard w/ strafing but turning - Integrating Leap Motion onto a moving object - Grabbing and Punching stuff with Leap Motion This is the initial prototype for the features stated above. Demo Build The demo The Vent stage for testing the visuals and prototyping the feedback of the interactable objects.

Entry 11: Concept Art (5 July 2018)

This entry will emphasize onto the concept of the level environments and it's mood to show the intended experience for the players to feel when they're in certain situation. I want to focused onto more diverse moods in this short game so that the players experience would be much impact rather than sticking into one visual mood. The moods that I'm emphasizing on are solitariness, danger and mysterious.   This mood board shows the intended visual treatments applying into character and level design. Stage 1: Beginning, a level where the players are introduced. The room consist of a big wall of mirror to reflect the characters, to introduce the characters without any sort of texts or narrations. Stage 2: Battery, a level which the player must pick a battery from a battery dispenser and carry it to the port at the end of this stage. The transition between the start to the port will include a narrow pathway. Through the glass panel in the pathway, there's a ...

Entry 10: Character Design (5 July 2018)

Character design for MO-3 and KEV-7. This character design will help the gameplay and controller design according to their theme and behaviors. KEV-7 sleek and minimalist design to emphasize technology advancement and futurism MO-3 on the other hand, have a boxy and industrialized design to create the sense of rugged and industry utility.   KEV-7 will sit in MO-3 bin. 3D Rendered MO-3 and KEV-7 controller design.

Entry 9: Level Design (5 July 2018)

This entry will focus toward level design and story boarding of the game play of that stage. Each level will emphasize the impressiveness of the controllers and the co-op experience, working simultaneously. Level Progression:- 1- Beginning , introduction of the characters. This stage is the introduction to the robots and functioned also as a tutorial for players to understand the necessary controls. 2- Battery , pick and carry. This is the first stage where players must work together to complete the task. The task is to carry a battery from a battery dispenser to the battery port through a long hallway. The hallway windows will show a battery reactor in meltdown to reflect that some part of the facility is not well-maintained. 3- Vent , lab break-out - removing bolts. Right after players entered this stage, a loud explosion will occur, causing wall panels to fall on the path to the exit. The explosion also revealed a alternate exit which it is a vent a...